Hwuaduh payah! payah! males banget mo ngupdate blog ini. Yang ada di otak sih banyak, punya cita-cita buat narik duit nh lewat si blog. Tapi, gara-gara registrasi direject blogvertise, plus banyak kerjaan di kantor, plus badan lelah-lelah, plus mata udah ngantuk kebanyakan lembur, plus pengen relax setiap pulang kerja, ya jadi terbengkalai dah nee blog. Boro-boro pengen update, pengen ngulik buat ngebagusin ni blog aja ga sempet..
Buntutnya blog ini dah ga bisa disearch langsung dari mesin pencari google. Payah dah ah..
Tapi sayang juga kalo ditelantarin, mengingat cita-cita nyari tambahan lewat blog masih besar dan belom kesampaian.. Jadi ya di bela2in jam tiga pagi ngetik postingan ini. Nggak bermutu memang..
Sambil jalan-jalan lihat blog orang. Gila keren-keren blog mereka. Jadio ngiri nh..
Nggak apa-apa, sekarang memang belum bagus ni blog. tapi janji, ga lama lagi bakal.............
Refresh Your Mind
Jumat, 28 Maret 2008
Natural Solutions For Frequent Colds
Some Possible Causes Might Be
1. Poor dietary habits which create a toxic build-up in the body.
2. A lack of proper nutrients.
3. Weakness in the immune system.
4. Emotional problems which suppress the bodyÕs defense.
5. Over use of antibiotics.
6. Viruses - Bacteria.
When First Symptoms Appear
1. Vitamins - Immediately take plenty of vitamin C. You can take about a total of 3000 mg a day in small doses Ð say 200 mg at a time, which would mean 15 tablets a day.
Zinc is also a good immune enhancer. From 20 to 40 mg of Zinc can be taken daily until the cold subsides.
It is better to take both of these in tablet form so that you can suck on them and dissolve them in the mouth. In this way, the active power of these two substances can be absorbed by the cells of the mouth and throat area and thus strengthening the power of the cells to protect themselves.
2. Immediately cleanse the nostrils and gargle with salt. If the cold continues after the first day, then discontinue the washing of the nostrils but continue 3 or more times a day gargling with salt or lemon water.
3. Avoid eating solid food, especially cheese, milk and all dairy products, as well as white flour, white sugar and any products made from them. They form excess mucus, which increases the symptoms of the cold.
4. Drink plenty of liquids especially fresh citric fruit juices: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, as well as herb teas, and vegetable broth.
5. If you feel very hungry and must eat, then the best food would be a raw salad or a hot, spicy soup. A very effective soup is onion soup made from onions, garlic, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and other spices. (Not if you have ulcers.)
6. For those who are familiar with stomach cleansing with slightly saltly water, this is very effective for removing accumulated mucus from the body. (Not if you have an ulcer).
7. An enema is also effective in helping the body purify itself of accumulated toxins.
8. Get plenty of rest and do plenty of deep relaxation. Also perform any exercises you feel up to doing. They will facilitate the renewal of the bodyÕs vital energies and thus its ability to heal itself.
9. Keep your body warm and protected from drafts.
10. Shiatsu massage of the neck and head can be miraculously relieving and beneficial. (Reflexology can be used to free up the sinuses).
If the Cold Continues
11. Continue with the vitamins taking up to 3000 mg of C. and up to 30 mg of Zinc per day until the symptoms disappear. If the cold lasts more than a week, then you might want to check with a doctor as to why your body is not healing itself. Other antioxidants such as vitamins E, A and Selenium and various enzymes such as Super Dioxide Dismutase call also be very useful.
12. Continue to avoid solid food as much as possible. Drink plenty of juices and broths. If you feel very hungry, eat raw salad or hot spicy soup.
13. Take occasional hot baths (covering yourself well afterwards).
14. Slow deep breathing will re-energize your body. Breathe as slowly as you can, letting as little air as possible pass through the nostrils. Gradually they will open up.
15. Do not continue with the cleaning of the nostrils, but do continue with frequent gargling.
16. Gentle exercises can open up the nostrils and also the flow of energy in the body.
17. Use deep relaxation to imagine the bodyÕs defense system healthy and powerful and invincible.
18. Be happy and relaxed.
Taken From HHN by
Robert Elias Najemy
Senin, 03 Maret 2008
Honey and Bee Venom Healing
Bee is an incredible insect. Pain from it's stingy and it's derivative product helps to heal several desease, from allergy to nerve interference, and endurance improvement. The therapy using bee and it's product is called apitherapy.
The words aphitherapy is taken from 2 latin words, aphis means bee and therapy means medical treatment. Aphitherapy defined as complementer medical treatment for preventif, curatif and rehabilitation using bee and its derivative product.
The use of honey bee for health was known from thousand years ago. The eldest evidence about honey used for skin infection and wound, ulcer, eyes and ear desease was written on the Samarian ceramics (2000 BC)
The Eber papyrus (1550 BC) write some honey recipes for outer use, like baldyness, burned injury, abses and reducing agonies. Honey also used to heal after surgery wounded, including circumsision, supositorhya, reducing inflammation, and overcome for nerve ungainly.
The use of bee stunt for nerve agonies therapy and artritis already done by Greeks for long time. The pioneer is Hippocrates, the father of modern medical treatment.
In 1864, Prof Libowsky reported his patient healed over from their rheumatics and neuralgic pain after being therapics using bee stunt. The teraphi's using bee stunt is recognised as Apipunctur. Apipunctur using bee venom and acupunctur methode. The bee's for this therapy is Apis mellifera dan Apis cerana.
Dr. Adji Suranto Sp.A tells that bee venom is very good to normalised all blood vessel and nerve activity. "Research shows that bee venom contain melitine, apamin, peptide 401 (MDC), protease inhibitor, and norepinephrine.
On this therapy, said Dr. Adjie, bee venom getting inside to the human body using two different ways, direct bee sting and injected.
"The bee venom taken from someones pure antibody who is often being stunt by bee" He said. The quantity of the sting is depent to the desease. But one sting in special spots is enough for introduction. "On the next therapy, those spots is stunt again, but not over than 10 times" says this father of one child.
Pregnant women, baby, kids and old person wasn't suggested to use this therapy.
But anyway, this therapy shouldn't do without the trained person or the expert supervision.
Translate from Kompas Newspaper.
Solve Your Back Pain
The answer to a healthy back is appropriate exercise. The problems associated with back pain can be minimized with exercises. It is widely known that regular exercises will improve the appearance and health in general, but very few realize the benefits that good physical conditioning can have on their back pain.
The benefit of exercises for the back depends on the following three key principles:
To attain satisfactory aerobic fitness.
To focus part of the exercising on the muscle groups that supports the back.
To avoid exercises that cause heavy stresses on the back
The right kind of exercise program helps in keeping the back pain under control and can make it easier to continue doing the daily chores. A break from vigorous exercise can be taken if the pain becomes worse. A Doctor or physiotherapist can be consulted before starting an exercise program for deciding on the type of exercises that can be done to relieve back pain and to stay fit.
Warm up is important before exercise and deep inhaling has to be repeated before each exercise. Regular exercise helps a lot and if it is skipped for a day, unavoidably walking can compensate it, to some extent.
Exercises to strengthen the back and hip muscles:
Wall slides exercise helps to strengthen the back and hip muscles. Leg muscles also get relieved. By standing against a wall on the back, try to slide down with knees bent. The bend should be 90 degrees and count till 5. Then come back to standing posture. This has to be continued for five times.
Raising the leg also helps in strengthening back and hip muscles. Lay down on the stomach. Try to tighten the muscles of a leg and bring it up. Count till 10 and bring it down. Continue this for 5 times each for both the legs.
Sitting up partially strengthens the abdomen muscles. Lie on the back and keep the knees bent. Raise the head and shoulder above the floor and try to reach the knees with hands. Leg rising also benefits stomach and hip muscles.
Exercises to minimize the back pain:
An aerobic conditioning program for 30 minutes, thrice a week is ideal for overall fitness. Recommended aerobic exercise includes Bicycling, swimming and brisk walking. Aggravation of low back pain can happen if step aerobics and exercises like jumping and running are practiced. Aerobic exercises make the heart and other muscles consume oxygen more efficiently.
Swinging back legs could strengthen the muscles of hip and back. Stand in the back of a chair and raise a leg up and down without bending the knee. Repeat this for each leg.
Posture training for sitting, standing, sleeping and even during motion is needed if posture is a factor. The type of shoes viz. High Heels that are worn can also affect the posture by adding more stress on the lower back by changing the posture.
Stretching exercises can be done for keeping the muscles flexible and less prone to injury.
Physical therapy: There are different forms of physical therapy viz. Passive Physical therapy and Active Physical therapy. Passive physical therapy includes Heat/Ice packs, TENS units and Iontophoresis. Active Physical therapy is the exercises like Stretching for back pain exercise, Low-impact aerobic conditioning and strengthening for back pain exercise.
While there are merits if a pattern of good conditioning is followed the wrong type of exercise may actually worsen the low back pain. Activities that pass on too much stress on the back like lifting heavy weights, jumping, running, step aerobics and climbing are not advised. Slow Cycling on a recumbent stationary bike can also relieve back stress. To sum up, exercise will decrease the severity and frequency of lower back pain and can be prevented when a comprehensive exercise program is followed.
Keep Healthy
Your health is undoubtedly your most valuable asset. So with that in mind how do you protect your health ?
Yes you probably have health insurance to look after your health if you become ill and car insurance to take car of you should your health suffer as a result of a car accident. But isn't that paying someone else to look after your health after things go wrong ? A bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted ? What are you doing, or, what should you be doing to look after your health right now ?
Do you get regular health check ups ? Do you exercise & eat all the right foods that are beneficial to your health ? Do you use health care products such as health supplements ? Do you smoke, drink or take drugs ? Are you aware of how these habits affect your health ?
I'm willing to bet that you make darn sure you look after your children's health, making sure that they are not doing anything that is going to cause long term damage to their health ? But who is watching your health ? Who's making sure you are not doing anything to damage your health ?
Health is probably something we all take for granted & only realise how important our health is when we are ill or someone close to us is suffering from ill health. However if we all do nothing in regard to our health now, waiting until we begin to suffer from ill health & then trying to do something about it may be too late as we may have already done irreparable damage to our health. If you could do something now to prevent one of your assets diminishing, such as your bank balance, your home or your car would you ? Yes of course you would, so what about your most valuable asset, your health ?
Well it's about time that someone took control of your health, and that someone is you ! Take control of your health now and make sure that valuable asset, your health, is well and truly looked after. Here are some suggestions that might help you to look after your health:
1. Get regular health check ups. If you have a good health insurance these are probably insisted upon. After all we all give our cars regular "health" checks, isn't our health more important than the health of our vehicles?
2. Make sure you eat a healthy diet. Even if you don't need to loose weight the right diet can help to improve your health.
3. Take regular exercise. 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week, even if it's just a couple of 15 minute strolls, that's not to great a chore to protect a valuable asset - your health.
4. If you smoke, stop now ! This is probably the best thing you can and ever will do for the sake of your health.
5. Cut down on your alcohol intake. Stick to the recommended guidelines for sensible drinking - for your health's sake.
Sabtu, 01 Maret 2008
Senyum Sejenak (Smile for a While)
Dul & Johny
Dul : John, why frog's kids always jumps?
Johny : (answer innocently) Don't be confuse Dul, they're still kids. It's common to jump.
Dul : ???
Si Dul dan Joni..
Dul : Jon, kenapa sih anak kodok selalu loncat-loncat?
Joni : (menjawab sekenanya) Namanya juga anak-anak, wajarlah loncat-loncat.
Dul : ???